Today was a big day for the little man. Not only was it his first day at day care, but he also got his 4 month shots today. Day care went really well, I think it was harder for Adam and I. From what Adam told me, Jackson was all smiles this morning when he dropped him off. Kelli, our day care provider, very nicely texted me all day and sent me this picture to keep me updated. Adam and I feel very blessed to have found someone so loving to watch our child. Jackson absolutely adores her which makes us very happy :)
We also got our 4 month shots today. The little man isn't so little anymore :) He now weighs 14lbs 9.6oz (48th percentile) 24" and 3/4 inches long (50th percentile) and the circumference of his head is 44cm (90th percentile). Now I know some of you are thinking "holy cow that is a big head!" That's exactly what Adam and I thought, but, since Jackson is just like his daddy, he just has a big noggin :) The doctor said it was perfectly OK for his head to be that big, especially if it runs in the family. Our thought on it is that this kid has one big brain! They will continue to monitor it just to be safe though. He did much better with the shots this time then the last. He cried for a little bit but then was all smiles when we left.
Now on to the exciting part! Jackson can start eating cereal! Our pediatrician told us that it's time for us to start Jackson on baby cereal, he's already been on rice for a few weeks but now we get to switch it up! We have to try all different kinds of cereal for 3 to 5 days to make sure he doesn't develop any allergies. After we're done trying all the cereal, we get to move to yellow vegetables. From there green vegetables, light meats, dark meats and the very last is fruit. So basically we will be busy until our next check up at 6 months! Adam and I can't believe how fast Jackson is growing up, but we're so excited to watch him grow and learn new things every day!