Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas in St. Louis!

This year we spent  Christmas in St. Louis. Jackson was very lucky to have his first white Christmas, we woke up Christmas morning to it snowing! Then last night we celebrated Christmas with Adam's family. Jackson got a lot of cool stuff this year! It's hard to believe that next year he'll be opening his own Christmas presents!

A little bit of tummy time by the Christmas tree

 Mommy and Jackson Christmas morning

 Daddy and Jackson Christmas morning surrounded by presents!

We're getting excited to open presents!

Someone got a little too excited and passed out...

Opening Christmas presents with Grandma Ann

Three generations of the Bairds (Grandpa Jim, Adam and Jackson)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3 Months

Jackson is 3 months old today, I can't believe how fast time has gone by. It feels like just yesterday that Adam and I were at the hospital. He's gotten so big since then it's hard to believe.

On our next favorite things...

Jackson is in love with his bumbo seat!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Jackson had his 1st snow! It wasn't much, but it was snow!

Jackson and Daddy (a little windy....)

Not quite sure what we think yet...

Mommy and Jackson

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Under The Sea!

Jackson loves his under the sea play gym! So much that sometimes he wears himself out!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Working Mom

This past week was extra difficult for me. Unfortunately, I had to cut my maternity leave short and go back to work early. I'm fortunate because I got a new job that better provides for my family but words cannot describe how hard it was for me to leave Jackson each day. I have so much respect for all those working mom's out there. It is definitely not easy to work forty hours each week and then come home and take care of your family. Basically it's two full time jobs, of course, I would rather be doing one more than the other.
These last two and a half months have been so special to me, because I got to stay at home with Jackson. It's hard to think that I won't be the one to see him discover new things. Thankfully, my mom was very nice to come up and stay with us this week and take care of him while I went to work and Adam went to class. In some way, it made it easier knowing that she was the one here taking care of baby J. Adam and I are so thankful to have a great support team helping us out for the first few weeks until Jackson goes to day care. I know it will eventually get easier, and is healthy for me to get out, but it's definitely going to take some time. I wish Adam and I were in a place in our lives where I could stay home with him, but for now, that is not the case. What I now look forward to everyday is coming home and seeing Jackson's face light up when I walk in the door. It truly makes leaving a little bit easier.

After a long day of work, I get to come home to this cutie :)

Friday, December 3, 2010


The next on our list for one of Jackson's favorite things is his infant swing. This machine became my best friend a little over a month ago. Jackson will sleep in this for hours! Or, if we're lucky, will just hang out in it before eventually falling asleep :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Head, shoulders, knees and toes!

Over the last few weeks, Jackson has discovered his hands and feet. He particularly likes to suck on his fists. At first Adam and I thought he was trying to discover his thumb but after doing a little research, we're beginning to think that Jackson might be starting to teethe. Some of the books I've read said that children can start teething as early as three months (which as much as this depresses me, Jackson is only shy of being three months a little over two weeks). Of course this is just my theory, it has yet to be confirmed by his pediatrician. Two weeks ago, Jackson also discovered his feet. It's fun to watch him move his toes around and for him to discover that he's making those movements himself. It's quite entertaining to watch.

Unfortunately, Jackson I think has caught his first cold. I've tried to let it run it's course but he's been coughing for about 4 or 5 days now, so, we have a doctor's appointment today to ease this first time mom's mind. The pediatrician told us at his two month check up that Jackson has begun to loose his antibodies that he had from birth. He said that from now on, Jackson will probably get 8-10 colds a year. I'm sure it's nothing but as an over-paranoid first time mom and dad, Adam and I decided to go. Updates with that later...

On a happier note, I would also like to announce that last week I got tested to see if I have type II diabetes after having gestational diabetes with Jackson. The likeliness of my getting type II diabetes is higher because I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant. But, after waiting what seemed to be a lifetime, I am pleased to announce that my blood results came back normal! I am happy that I can continue to eat what I like (in moderation of course) :)