Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 25, 2010

18 Weeks (19 tomorrow) and Counting!

Just a heads up for everyone – We should be discovering the sex of our child a week from Monday and we will most likely be posting it on the baby blog.  We not only want to know out of our own curiosity but we feel it will help us prepare better as far as colors, toys, and other things as well.  We are certain and feel strongly about our decision to do so, we know some people enjoy the excitement of not knowing but today’s technology is amazingly incredible and we are just flat out too curious!!!  It will help us decide on names as well ;)

This update is a little late as Megan will be 19 weeks tomorrow, but better late than never!  Megan has had a rough week physically, she has been having some minor pains in her belly, nothing to worry about though folks!(we checked with the doc)  Unfortunately she has not felt any more movement but we are surely expecting some over the next few weeks.  Right now the baby is about the length of a large baking potato.  Baby’s vocal cords are fully developed as well, from what we’ve read typically women will feel their baby move for the first time or within the next few weeks!  This is all too exciting for us and we can’t wait until it happens!

Megan had an interesting Saturday at work last week.  She happen to meet Darnell Jackson!!!  For all of you who don’t know he was one of the corner pieces the year the Jayhawks took down those nasty cheating Kentucky Wildcats coached by our favorite slum coach, Calipari.  Mr. Jackson is currently playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers, although he doesn’t get much play time(So he doesn’t show up Lebron).  Megan called me when she first saw Darnell and she sounded like a child in a candy store!  It made her day for sure!

We’ll keep the comparisons of food to our baby going, since that’s how most of our books do it.  This cute picture of Meg was taken at Target one day.  She is holding up a fair sized cantaloupe to represent the approximate size of her uterus now.  Baby is growing fast and Megan’s body must grow to accommodate for Baby’s increasing size!

Monday, April 12, 2010

17 Weeks and Counting!!!

We did not have a scheduled doctor’s appointment today, but my  step mother, Ann, works at a hospital and we had some sonograms done today!

Okay bear with us, it’s kinda hard to tell what’s going on here.  Baby’s legs are on the left side with his/her knees pointing down.  The rear end is facing up, and the torso of baby is obviously facing down.  Baby’s head is on the right side facing down as well, by now the baby has eyebrows, possible head hair, and is hearing sound for the first time ever!

This sonogram of baby is from the baby’s backside.  Baby’s head is on the left of the sonogram with his/her elbow pointing up and the baby appears to be sucking his/her thumb!  We absolutely love this picture and can’t wait to see this miracle first hand!

Megan and I are doing well and hope everyone enjoys the pictures.  In about three weeks we will know the sex of our child after another round of sonograms and we will be sure to keep everyone updated in the interim.


Meg & Adam

Monday, April 5, 2010

16 Weeks Today!

Adam and I are 16 weeks today! We're getting very anxious about finding out baby Baird's sex. One more month from today! Please feel free to put in your votes on what you think the baby is!

I'm finally starting to get my energy back which I couldn't be happier about! I started going on slow walks last week and hope to slowly increase my workout. I felt a little butterfly movement last Sunday but haven't felt anything since. I hope within the next few weeks I'll start feeling more movement =)

This is Adam and my first blog so I'm sorry we've been a little slow on getting this out to everyone. There will be future improvements with the website. Thank you everyone for all of your love and support!

-Love Megan & Adam
(P.S. Go Butler!!!)